Variants of the calculations of the analysis of situations and forecasts

When deciding on a calculation or forecast, you need to know exactly what and how you want to receive it. Which calculation and forecasting options are there for you? See section 2 “How to Select Variants of the Situations Analysis and Forecast Calculations” for a list of the various calculation options and forecasts for duration, complexity, purpose, and other parameters. In this section, we can look at some of the peculiarities of the variants for calculating the situation analysis and for making forecasts.

Feature 1 – You simply need a standard calculation forecast for 12 months in advance:

General evaluation of the current period: In the calculations and forecasts, you receive a general assessment of the current phase of life with its special features and main functions.

Special features of the current year: In the calculations and forecasts, you receive a general assessment of the current year with its special features and main functions.

The most important “functional background”: Calculations and forecasts give you the general functional BACKGROUND of the calculation period, but without a description of the REASONS for such a BACKGROUND.

Most important strategic line: You receive in the calculations and forecasts a functional description of the strategic main line of the calculation period: activity or passivity, methods and means, forms of self-realization etc.

Main difficulty: In the calculations and forecasts, you will receive a general description of the main difficulties in the calculation period: activity or passivity, methods and means, forms of self-realization etc.

Total the year 20xx: In the calculations and forecasts you receive a general description of the TENDENCES of the events in the calculation period: activity or passivity, methods and means, forms of self-realization etc.

Main danger: In the calculations and prognoses you receive a general description of the TENDENCY of events on the line of the DANGER in the calculation period: activity or passivity, methods and means, forms of self-realization etc.

The most important psychological and organizational “radical change”: You will receive calculations and forecasts for the selected months in the calculation period in which you should expect the most important events personally for you, with a general description of the functions of the selected months.

The most important “oddities”: In calculations and forecasts you receive a general description of the TREND of events on the line of CURIOSITIES and ODDITY in the calculation period: activity or passivity, methods and means, forms of self-realization etc.

The main advantages: In the calculations and forecasts you will receive a general description of the TREND of events on the line of ADVANTAGES in the calculation period: activity or passivity, methods and means, forms of self-realization etc.

Feature 2 – You need a standard calculation forecast for 12 months with details for each month in advance:

• First function of the month –
• Second function of the month –
• Third function of the month –
• Finance –
• Health –
• Personal relationships –
• Job
• Teaching, new knowledge –
• Career –
• Business –
• Security, conflicts –
• Property –
• Likely tensions –
• Something else of your choice –
Reasons for the difficult events of the month –

Feature 3 – You will need more detailed calculations – forecasts for 12 months in advance with details for each month and reinforcement for your selected areas of life (work, personal relationships, health, finances, etc.).

Feature 4 – You want to know why exactly SO and NOT OTHER many events occur in your life. You want to know what to do and what not to do to increase the effectiveness of your actions in specific areas.

In order to obtain such calculations, there is a methodology of “causal – Investigative relationships”. With this methodology you can calculate the MAIN REASONS for the manifestation or non-manifestation of certain events in your life and the REASONS for the controllability or non-controllability of events.

Feature 5 – You want to examine yourself for any important personal code (personal, natural features).

What are personal codes? (See section “Forms of the final variants of the analysis of situations and forecasts”):

These are logical “formulas” of important processes in human life. These are your natural features that BLOCK or ACCELERATE important processes around you and with you. These “formulas” largely determine the course of events, thoughts and desires of humans. These codes “attract” or “repel” important events and create special conditions. The codes determine your natural data. The codes determine your thoughts and actions. If you want to change something to yourself, you must first change your codes. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain, as your codes limit your aspirations. Your thoughts will be directed UP, and your natures / codes will pull you DOWN.

            Codes may change with a change in the functional purpose of a person’s life cycle.

            If you know the codes, you can plan things, processes, and relationships well in advance.

            At the physical “level”, codes are your biological FREQUENCIES, your natural BASIS from which you “go out” on important decisions. Codes change their “tension” and “importance” after certain periods of life. At different times of your life, in different years, even in different months and even days, different codes can reinforce their functions or “slow down” their actions.

            Codes in a person’s life “dictate” the manifestation of important events. Change the codes – change events. In order to MODIFY such codes, you need to change yourself, understand your weaknesses and peculiarities, and learn to control them. For a more detailed management of your codes, it is recommended to consider the manifestations of these codes in real events (this will not be immediately apparent with the years, but the codes will be given to you for the whole life to gradually take them into account).

Feature 6 – You want to learn how to control the events and to design your own future events, taking into account the external conditions.

There is a distance course and an internal course.

Main sections of the training:

Section – 1: Personal Biological Year (PBJ). What’s this? How does it differ from the general social calendar year! When does your PBJ start? The functions of each month in your personal biological year. Special features of recording the events in your personal biological year.

Section – 2: Functions of each year in a 12-year cycle. What’s this? How is it different from the 12-year cycle of other people! When does it begin! The functions of each year in your personal biological 12-year cycle. Special features of recording the events in your 12-year cycle.

Section – 3: Energetics of the numbers. How is this method different from numerology? This is how you operate with numbers around you. What effect does this knowledge have on you personally?

Section – 4: Repeatability of events. Events – Hints.

Section – 5: Orientation in the 28-day cycle, features of each week.

Section – 6: Mistake of astrology and how to correctly read horoscopes.

Section – 7: Applying the Basic Principles of Business Success – Smoothness, Sequence and Continuity.

Section – 8: Algorithm of summation of forecasts for a year, a month, a week, a day, an event.

Section – 9: Events EXTERNAL and PERSONAL. Wishes and possibilities.

Section – 10: A detailed analysis of social, professional and internal life programs.